“Perhaps the most valuable result…”

“…of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not.”

Thomas Huxley ,  1825-1895, Biologist and Educator

Raise your hand if there’s something (or many things!) on your to-do list that you’ve been procrastinating. *lowered eyes, sheepish smile*


I’ve had many things I’ve been putting off for varying reasons (returning a phone call or email; making a Dr’s appointment; planning another birthday party – this time for my oldest son.)

The trouble grows when our writer’s to-do list melts with our daily to-do list (as a parent, spouse, employee, friend, volunteer, etc.) The lack of time, money, energy and focus is much more apparent making those things that once seemed important now just  a dull nagging ache in the back of our minds. The remedy? Get them done and crossed off of our list altogether.

Last week, I settled myself into a booth at Panera Bread with a half order of their Fuji Apple Chicken Salad and a notepad.

  1. I wrote out long-hand every writing project and deadline I could think of that I had been putting off. I had two full sheets (legal pad size) filled with reminders, projects and ideas to complete.
  2. Then I took out my red pen and starred the ones that needed to be done that week, because I had already committed to their deadlines.
  3. I then prioritized the starred items by day and wrote 3-4 tasks on each day of the week in my Lotus Notes calendar. Having smaller manageable lists gives me hope and energy. I can also see if I’ve allotted enough time for each task.
  4. As I whittle my daily tasks away, my mind is clear from overload, because I know my never ending list is written down, each task waiting for their assigned day or week, so I can Let It Go.

So, what can you write down and cross off of your list of procrastinating projects?


Filed under Advice, Deadlines, emotion, procrastination, Rest

4 responses to ““Perhaps the most valuable result…”

  1. Elise

    Wow, Mary Jo. You are GOOD. Great list and a good idea, too. Good for you.

  2. Excellent site, keep up the good work

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