What can you accomplish in 5 years?

time bloomingHow about 20?

Taking a break from writing my YA Paranormal first draft, I hopped over to see what (one of) my fav YA authors was up to. Laurie Halse Anderson focuses more on writing her books, than blog posts, which I truly admire. But, Here’s a post she shared back in September, 2012 that got me thinking.

Yes, I’ve been struggling with my own creativity doubts, droughts and bouts of frustration. Some bouts and droughts last long. Too long. And then, I start to think… “Am I REALLY a writer? Or am I posing as a writer because that’s what everyone THINKS I am?” Have I been at this writing thing too long with not much to show for it? It’s depressing. It’s defeating. Anyone else with me on this?

So, reading Laurie’s post about giving herself 5 years to make a name for herself in writing gave me an idea. What if I started right now? Like, took it seriously. 5 years from now, I can have a book published. 5 years from now, my oldest son will be a freshman in college, my younger guy will be a freshman in high school. They’d both be pretty independent and not need Mom around as much as they do now. I could go on a book tour! Ha! O.K. One.Thing.At.A.Time.

Finish first draft.

Submit my piece to my crit group TODAY. (eek!)

Meet with said crit group on Wednesday.

Critique one more story on CritiqueCircle.com

Complete first draft for Anthology 7 & post on CritiqueCircle.com

Where will you be in 5 years with your writing? With your life?

Random tidbits…

Written to the musical muse of: A Fine Frenzy – “Almost Lover”

Movie I’m psyched to see: Warm Bodies

Book I’m reading: well, just finished Anne Lamott’s Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith


Filed under Believe, books, goals

5 responses to “What can you accomplish in 5 years?

  1. That sounds like a great plan. I need to go write my own now. See you in 5 years 😀

  2. Self Doubt Dear Commit, I can really relate to the post Feb. 2 2013 with hopes of publishing someday, myself.. other people’s opinons affect my interests, too. I am a avid historian and research non-professional on the Thoroughbred Racehorse. The passion I have held for so many years materialized when I had to take an early retirement due to challenging health reasons. One of these being (passive voice), I could no longer financially and physically ride horses, hence, the passion, suddenly turned down a less physical path with my love for the animal and sport. I am in a spiritual program which enables me to take a look at my own shortcomings. One of these “little suckers” keeps me ” pulling at the bit”, sort of speak. And until I overcome this fear, I can not be the best, my Higher Power wants me to be, albeit, my passion for horses and writing about them. Hopefully yours. Maureen

    • Maureen, I’m glad you are still pursuing your passion, albeit in a different form. I don’t think there’s a definitive point where we “overcome” our fear. I think taking mini risks, loving and beleiving in yourself are steps forward and eventually that fear starts to fade. Best to you!

  3. Fantastic post! I think all writers have doubts at one time or another. We just need to keep plugging away, and we will achieve our goals. 🙂

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