Tag Archives: giving back

“Not the maker of plans and promises, but rather the one who offers faithful service in small matters. This is the person who is most likely to achieve what is good and lasting.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

With another presidential debate on last night, this quote is pretty relevant, don’t you think?  So, who is making plans and promises? And who is providing faithful service?  Of course, as both candidates stated, we need to “look at what the records show.”

What do your records show about you and the promises or plans you’ve made?  Are they self-serving lofty dreams?

Don’t forget the small things we can do to serve. Serve ourselves, our friends, family, neighbors or community.

With the pleading of my 9-yr-old son, I began to serve the young writing community. I started a volunteer writing workshop for young writers, providing them a safe place to express their creative voices, share their works and learn the techniques to improve their craft. They had a blast! They wanted to barricade the door so their parents couldn’t drag them home. Talk about the satisifaction of working for FREE!

Well, that 4 wk summer workshop turned into a year long invitation to teach.  And…that turned into a paying opportunity.

I’m still volunteering, but also offering a more intensive Saturday workshop in the Downers Grove, IL area, beginning Oct 18-Nov 15.  If you have a young writer who may be interested, please click here.

If you have tips of your own or questions on how to give back – drop me a line! “It takes a village…right?”


Filed under Advice, Education, emotion, Inspiration, writing inspiration