Tag Archives: 2010 year of clarity

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up…”

“…The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

~Thomas Edison, 1847-1931, Inventor and Entrepreneur

As The Year of Clarity wraps up, I find that I’m focusing more on the things I didn’t accomplish instead of feeling good about all I did accomplish. Does anyone else do that?

Today’s quote helps me realize there is no official end. If I didn’t reach the high heights I set, I need to keep pushing forward, not just chalk it up to a lost year. (Or month, week or day.)

I could sulk because I didn’t get my Christmas Gifts for Readers and Writers post written in time, or feel bad because those 12/31 deadlines crept up on me and I have nothing prepared to submit. I could bash the teacher in me for not sending back my students’ “inner editors” from November’s NaNoWriMo or drown in guilt over extending my class’s Student Publishing project, yet again.

But, no. I have the choice to think positive, to give myself a break from all the strings attached to my mind, my limbs, my ego. I can try one more time, or four more times. And if I don’t get to it even after the fourth try (or 15th) then maybe instead of crossing it off my to-do list, I can remove it from the list completely, as it’s probably not ever going to get done. And sometimes, that’s OK.

So, maybe I have reached the level of “Clarity” I was aiming for. How about you?


2011 will bring more Book Giveaways, Author Interviews & Guest Posts, Writing tips, tricks, exercises and contest announcements, plus! lesson plans and resources for teachers and young writers. So, SUBSCRIBE to the blog today. It’s free, it’s fast and it gets rid of wrinkles ; )

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Filed under Believe, emotion, Inspiration

Mini Check-up: Where are you on your goals for 2010?

{photo: fisher-price.com}

According to my calendar, July 1 will bring us to the 182nd day of 2010, leaving us with 183 days to complete our goals for this year.  Time to check in. Are you on track? What were your goals for 2010? Did you name your year: select one big theme that all the little goals culminate under?

Mine is The Year of Clarity. On Dec. 31, 2009, I posted my goals for 2010. Click here for a recap.

So far, I’ve accomplished a few of the goals on my list. I feel a bit overwhelmed with these lofty sights I’ve set. (Especially the early morning workouts!*smashes alarm clock*) However, I need to remember that life is unpredictable. Having goals is important, but having the flexibility to move with the ebb and flow of life is critical for my sanity and my momentum.

My husband started a business this year, which has shifted the schedules in our household. My day job has become more time- and mind-consuming, prompting me to focus my waning energy on one specific writing goal (i.e. novel completion vs. essay/article writing and submitting.) And, I’m struggling with my addiction to reading and research which takes up my scheduled writing time.

What unforeseen things happened that (temporarily) derailed your plan for 2010?

Are you allowing flexibility in your list? Maybe your goals changed due to some new information or insight about yourself and what you really want to accomplish.  Share with us! And check back in for the Official 6-month Check-Up on July 1.


Filed under goals

“Regifting” is not just a Seinfeld episode

My favorite sitcom from the 90’s birthed many household terms. Regifitng, being one of them. Although regifting a “label baby junior” may be taboo to the crowd that frequents Monk’s Coffee House, regifting your inner talents can be a good thing!

First, you need to do a little self-inventory: what are your gifts? Don’t be humble, here. Do you make a mean chocolate martini (if so, we need to talk!) Maybe you’re the only one in your group of friends that can size up a living room and rearrange furniture that is both pleasant on the eye and good feng shui. Can you take the begrudged ramblings of several school parents and write an organized, coherent argument to address the school board?

Now what? OK, you have gifts. Good for you! Time to regift them. Find a need. Someone (or many someones) out there need your insight to help with their problem. By regifting, you are developing relationships and (ding-ding-ding!) confidence in yourself.  As a writer, this builds your portfolio and your platform. So long as you are following your niche (remember, 2010: The Year of Clarity?)

Write it out. Turn your unique expertise into a snappy blog post, an easy-to-read list article or possibly a whole class you can teach to locals.

“We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.”
Marie Curie1867-1934, Physicist

2010 check in: What thing do you need to attain? What do you already have to get you there?


Filed under Advice, Believe, goals, Perseverance