Books that make you think

“The books that help you most are those which make you think the most. A great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty.” Theodore Parker
1810-1860, Minister
Wow!  Wouldn’t you love to pen a book that is a “ship of thought?” Which book(s) have you read that made you really think?  Maybe even changed your opinion on a subject?
My favorite “master of manipulation” is Jodi Picoult. Ms. Picoult writes on controversial topics and her characters react with such conviction, you find yourself rooting for the child who is suing her parents or empathizing with the boyfriend that “assisted” a suicide.


What can we learn from her? How can we write with such confidence as to change the minds of our readers?
Of course, these are only two examples of fiction.
My all-time favorite book for inspiration would have to be Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way.  A workbook of self-discovery for writers, painters, actors, musicians and all of us with creative tendencies.

I also stumbled upon a rewrite of As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen. A great meditative book based on the power of thought. This one seems to be an ancestor of The Secret.


So, please share! Which books inspire you, either in life or in your craft?








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Filed under Believe, characters, emotion, Inspiration, Voice

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